Summer is over and the garden is done growing. :-( That means no more fresh produce to eat, but with this little DIY we have come up with you can have fresh delicious homegrown herbs all winter long! This month we are making a super fun and easy DIY indoor herb garden. It not only looks beautiful, but you also get fresh garden herbs that will make your meals taste amazing! Fresh herbs are the best! This would also make a fantastic holiday gift for anyone in your life!

DIY Indoor Herb Garden
Items needed:
-Container(s) {recycled tin cans, glasses, jars, etc are perfect}
-Potting Soil (Autumn makes her own with peat moss/coco coir & perlite)
-Assortment of herb plants/seeds (basil, rosemary, thyme, mint, chives, etc)
1. Fill container(s) with some potting soil.
2. Take plants out of their nursery pots and put in container. Surround the plants with soil, making sure to pack the soil down. If using seeds, fill container mostly full with soil and plant at the depth according to the package.
3. Give it a good water and watch your herbs grow! Continue to water seeds daily until they develop into adult plants (the moister the soil the better germination rate). Then water when the soil is dry.
4. Label your container(s) by writing on a piece of paper and clip it on with a mini clothes pin. ***Take it a step further like Autumn did by collecting fallen tree branches, stripping one end at an angle, writing the names of the herbs on them, and sticking them in the soil. This really makes it look extra fancy.
5. When you are ready for some tasty herbs snip off the amount that you want with a pair of clean scissors.
6. Wash the herbs and throw them into your next meal.
We hope you have as much fun as we did making this herb garden. If you make this DIY, tag us @byrobincreations on social media with your creations! We would love to see!